Kohlangaz Manual

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The installation must also be in accordance with all relevant parts of the Local and National Building Regulations where appropriate, the Building Regulations (Scotland Consolidation) issued by the Scottish Development Department, and all applicable requirements of the following British Standard Code of Practice.

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No purpose made additional ventilation is normally required for this appliance, when installed in G.B. When Installing in I.E. please consult document I.S. 813 : 1996 Domestic Gas Installation, which is issued by the National Standards Authority of Ireland. If installing in Northern Ireland, please consult local building regulations. Any purpose made ventilation must be checked periodically to ensure that it is free from obstruction


Kinder manuals

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When fitting to conventional chimneys or 175mm flues it may be desirable to leave the flue restrictor baffle (supplied) in place to reduce the flue flow and increase the efficiency of the fire. Safe clearance of products must always be checked by carrying out a smoke match test as described.



FLUE AND CHIMNEY SUITABILITY This appliance is designed for use with conventional brick built or lined chimneys and fabricated flues. It is also suitable for use with pre-cast flue blocks conforming to B.S. 1289 and metal flue boxes conforming to BS 715. All flues must conform to the following minimum dimensions

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To ensure continual safe and efficient operation and to maintain product warranties it is a requirement that the appliance is checked and serviced at least once per year. It is the law that any servicing must be carried out by a competent person. Removal of the appliance cabinet by anyone other than a competent person will automatically invalidate the appliance warranty. Clearances If fixtures are to be positioned close to the boiler, the following minimum clearances must be observed: Top 150mm, Left 5mm, Right 5mm, Base 100mm, Front 305mm. Extended clearance is required to the front for servicing.

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During normal operation the digital display will dhow the current boiler temperature and will show a “.” In the lower right corner of the display when the burner is alight. If the green lamp near the CH or DHW+ – keys is illuminated the boiler is receiving a demand for that function. If the green lamp is flashing the boiler is either up to temperature or shutting down following removal of the CH or DHW demand.